viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Brainstorming Paper 2

What is stress?

  • Definition of stress.
  • Refer to the two types of stress: short-term and long-term stress.
  • Definition of  short-term stress.
  • Definition of long-term stress.
The other questions will be bases on the long-term stress.

What are the symptoms?
  • Lose of weight.
  • Change of personality and depression.
How to avoid stress?
  • Identify the sources of stress.
  • Try to do interesting things to try to avoid it.
  • If that is not possible, a drink or a cigarette  could be okay.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Describing pictures

On the top of the picture there are visible three or four rows of flags hanging from the roof of the room for example the flag of Japan, Canada, United Kingdom or Dominican Republic. The are also a lot of tables organizaded in sort of rows the same weay the flags are, almost if there were one row of tables under each row of flags. The tables are full of people sitting around them, and there are also people standing in different parts of the room, on the left side of the image in the entrance of the room, in the background and in the foreground.
what is happening in the picture is probably a meeting of students from different nationalities, that is why the flags are all hanging up there, and that is what you first imagine when looking the picture, the flags occupy a lot of space so they instantly catch up your attention and the first thing you imagine about what is happening in the picture is what i already said, an international conference of meeting between students. That is a good way of leaning, not only learn from your teacher and from people of your safe nationality, but from people of different nationalities that will have even more to teach than a teacher, everyone will teach to everyone and learn the same way from everyone. Thinking like an international student with a lot of points of views of what happens in the world is practically what the IB is looking for from every student who integrates this organization, and having this type of classes is a perfect way to reach that.
Here in Chile there are a lot of universities that accepts students from other countries and here in Viña, The Mackay School is one of the few schools in the city that accept them too. I have learned a lot from one of my classmates who comes from South Korea. He told us about everything in korea, and i lerned a lot specially to understand him. Firstly I didn`t know that a lot of celebrations we have here in Chile are also celebrated there in Korea, for example Christmas. We celebrate it because of the birth of  Jesus Christ but they celebrate it only because it is a good way to share your feeling with the ones who loves you with gifts.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Interactive oral activity

What is the main idea of this song and video?

The idea of both the song and the video is to show us the two main characters of the novel and make a very interesting comparison of both and make the audience conclude that one character is what the other is not.

How is it similar to the novella?

The song and the video together make reference to the appearance and the practice of each on the real  novella. The song also show places that we imagined when reading the novella for example the lab and Dr. Jerkyll's house.

How is it different from the novella?

The song exagerates a lot the virtues of Dr. Jerkyll and the wickedness of Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jerkyll is not an angel or a saint as the song says, and Mr. Hyde is not as devil too. The song shows some physical characteristics of Mr. Hyde that are not true, for example that he has claws. Finally, the video shows us the characters as hiw they could look like, but we could imagined them very different or as we liked, so in that way, the video may be different from the novella.

How it is linked to the option topic health?

The chemicals that Dr. Jerkyll swallows are very relationated with drugs, that affect in both cases the personality of who is consuming it. The chemicals also changes Dr. Jerkyll' appearance so it is also relationated with health in that case.
Mental health also appears in the novella and the song. The book is asociated with a dissocuative
identity disorder or "split personality" and it reffers to a psychiatric disorder in which two personalities, oposite personalities are present on one same person.

How can you link it to the core topic: social relationship?

The book is bases on the " upper middle class, the social world of powerful man in which the apprearance is very important and the danger of allowing the innate evilness of human nature to run free". So what Mr. Jerkyll wants is to preserve his honorable and the picture he represents of a social class and professional excellence, and to embody his otherwise evil nature. This means for Dr. Jerkyll that he will not do the bad things that our innate human nature forces us to do, it will Mr. Hyde and he will be as honorable as he ever wanted.

How can mental illness affect one's social relationships?

There are a lot of mental illnesses that may affect in a bad way socialization. In the novella we can see one principal dissorder, the antisocial personality dissorder that makes the person a disagreeable perdon and a social risk because they don't know what is good or bad and they ignore normal rules of behavior. The people that suffer this type of mental illness are normally secluded from society, a fact that completelly brakes down social relationships. We can also see a secondary mental illness, a schizoid personality disorder in which the behavior of Dr. Jerkyll makes him don't want to see anyone and stay distant from his few friends.

Personal comments:

The interactive oral helped us to understand fully the themes of the novella, why we read it and why it is connected to some of the core topics of the ib program. It helped me to realize how our behavior and what we do can affect our social relationships

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Social Skills and Homeschooling Myths and Facts

Social Skills and Homeschooling Myths and Facts.

j) Children do not respond well to large groups of people, they become overexcited, behavioral problems develop and learning becomes difficult. Some doctors such as Dr. Moore say that children are best socialized by parents. Kids do not feel like they need to look and sound and be like everyone else, and also he/she will display self-confidence, self-respect and self-worth in a better way interacting with parents more than with other peers. Finally, homeschoolers have blocks of quiet time alone, an oportunity to discover what they really love to do, not forgetting they also have groupal activities for example: visiting museums, beaches or participating at sports.

k) In the first sentences of the article, homeschoolers are presented as persons with no or fewer socialization skills than children who learn at school. The article uses the studies of two doctors, Dr. Moore and Dr. Patricia Lines, that demonstrate that image of homeschoolers is not true and ridiculous.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013


How did you and the others organize with the work?
Well,  we, i mean, me and my group of boys, my friends, were suposed to hunt and bring especifically meat to the group and they also had to be attempt of the fire signal, make sure at every moment the fire was burning. Ralph... Well, he was  unfortunately the leader, i did not like that. The littluns were useless, the only thing they did was to bring fruits from trees that they could not even  reach them because they were too small.

Which events were the most important for the group?
In one of our meetings on the beach, one of the little boys or the littluns as we called them, said that he had seen a snake-beast. Until me, Ralph and Roger realized stupidly about the existence of the beast, in the time we stayed there, the fact of the beast was critical on the emotional condition of everybody, especially on the little ones. Of course, the most important event that took place on the island was when we were rescued.

What difficulties happened between you and  the group?
Firstly, I did not want Ralph as the leader, I wanted me as the leader, so finally me and my group of boys moved away and made another tribe, having me as the leader. One day ralph saw a ship in the horizon and the  fire was extinct, so he got angry with me.

...and among the group?
The littluns were always playing and they  did not any work so obviusly Ralph got angry with them and with everyone while he was building shelters for us to sleep and nobody except Simon helped him. Ralph said me that me and my hunters were using our hunting duties as an excuse to avoid the real work. The group wanted meat, that was the most important thing at that moment.

How did the group try to solve their problems?
The way we tried to solve them was at the meetings, we had a shell conch and everyone who had it in his hands was allowed to speak. I didn't follow that rule, especially with Piggy because he was very idiot. I make a mistake then, we turn into animals, and when i moved away from Ralph, i used the force and weapons to solve the problems... I tried to kill Ralph, and  I deal with the death of Piggy and Simon.

... and are you sorry about that?
Yes, now I am here and alive I think about what I have done there in the island and I can't beleive it, I can't beleive how I transformed on that. Now I know I have to be civilizated always and everywhere I am, I have to think about the laws of my country.

Finally, what did you miss the most while being on the island?

I missed my home with my my parents, and specialy my bed because on the island we had to sleep over the sand andit was cold all the days, i needed my bed...

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Advertising is everywhere you look, wheter it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway

As this text says, advertising is everywhere you look, a very good idea that companies have used long ago, making people everywhere they are want to buy any service or product that any advertisement could be trying to sell. Advertising is not only in the manner we have studied, i mean, on papers, such newspapers, billboards or anything else; advertising is also introduced on the TV as commercials, in which sometimes, they can last up to 15 minutes. Those ways  to persuade people make companies spend a lot of money, but with they can earn more than ten times the money they spent on advertising , in selling  the product or service.
One very common example that call the attention of everybody when they look at it, is the one from                Mac´Donalds. When you see this type of advertisement everyone will want to eat.
Advertisements are very powerful and they work very well on our minds, but not everybody can design an advertisement with this power, he must be an advertiser, a profesional man that knows how our brains receive information and how we analize it and understand it,it means, how to make the audience not realize they are been manipulated, because if they know it, they will not accept it. Advertisers hide the manipulative parts of the advertising, it needs to appear innocent in order to have any influence on people.