lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Interactive oral activity

What is the main idea of this song and video?

The idea of both the song and the video is to show us the two main characters of the novel and make a very interesting comparison of both and make the audience conclude that one character is what the other is not.

How is it similar to the novella?

The song and the video together make reference to the appearance and the practice of each on the real  novella. The song also show places that we imagined when reading the novella for example the lab and Dr. Jerkyll's house.

How is it different from the novella?

The song exagerates a lot the virtues of Dr. Jerkyll and the wickedness of Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jerkyll is not an angel or a saint as the song says, and Mr. Hyde is not as devil too. The song shows some physical characteristics of Mr. Hyde that are not true, for example that he has claws. Finally, the video shows us the characters as hiw they could look like, but we could imagined them very different or as we liked, so in that way, the video may be different from the novella.

How it is linked to the option topic health?

The chemicals that Dr. Jerkyll swallows are very relationated with drugs, that affect in both cases the personality of who is consuming it. The chemicals also changes Dr. Jerkyll' appearance so it is also relationated with health in that case.
Mental health also appears in the novella and the song. The book is asociated with a dissocuative
identity disorder or "split personality" and it reffers to a psychiatric disorder in which two personalities, oposite personalities are present on one same person.

How can you link it to the core topic: social relationship?

The book is bases on the " upper middle class, the social world of powerful man in which the apprearance is very important and the danger of allowing the innate evilness of human nature to run free". So what Mr. Jerkyll wants is to preserve his honorable and the picture he represents of a social class and professional excellence, and to embody his otherwise evil nature. This means for Dr. Jerkyll that he will not do the bad things that our innate human nature forces us to do, it will Mr. Hyde and he will be as honorable as he ever wanted.

How can mental illness affect one's social relationships?

There are a lot of mental illnesses that may affect in a bad way socialization. In the novella we can see one principal dissorder, the antisocial personality dissorder that makes the person a disagreeable perdon and a social risk because they don't know what is good or bad and they ignore normal rules of behavior. The people that suffer this type of mental illness are normally secluded from society, a fact that completelly brakes down social relationships. We can also see a secondary mental illness, a schizoid personality disorder in which the behavior of Dr. Jerkyll makes him don't want to see anyone and stay distant from his few friends.

Personal comments:

The interactive oral helped us to understand fully the themes of the novella, why we read it and why it is connected to some of the core topics of the ib program. It helped me to realize how our behavior and what we do can affect our social relationships

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