viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Advertising is everywhere you look, wheter it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway

As this text says, advertising is everywhere you look, a very good idea that companies have used long ago, making people everywhere they are want to buy any service or product that any advertisement could be trying to sell. Advertising is not only in the manner we have studied, i mean, on papers, such newspapers, billboards or anything else; advertising is also introduced on the TV as commercials, in which sometimes, they can last up to 15 minutes. Those ways  to persuade people make companies spend a lot of money, but with they can earn more than ten times the money they spent on advertising , in selling  the product or service.
One very common example that call the attention of everybody when they look at it, is the one from                Mac´Donalds. When you see this type of advertisement everyone will want to eat.
Advertisements are very powerful and they work very well on our minds, but not everybody can design an advertisement with this power, he must be an advertiser, a profesional man that knows how our brains receive information and how we analize it and understand it,it means, how to make the audience not realize they are been manipulated, because if they know it, they will not accept it. Advertisers hide the manipulative parts of the advertising, it needs to appear innocent in order to have any influence on people.

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