viernes, 26 de abril de 2013


How did you and the others organize with the work?
Well,  we, i mean, me and my group of boys, my friends, were suposed to hunt and bring especifically meat to the group and they also had to be attempt of the fire signal, make sure at every moment the fire was burning. Ralph... Well, he was  unfortunately the leader, i did not like that. The littluns were useless, the only thing they did was to bring fruits from trees that they could not even  reach them because they were too small.

Which events were the most important for the group?
In one of our meetings on the beach, one of the little boys or the littluns as we called them, said that he had seen a snake-beast. Until me, Ralph and Roger realized stupidly about the existence of the beast, in the time we stayed there, the fact of the beast was critical on the emotional condition of everybody, especially on the little ones. Of course, the most important event that took place on the island was when we were rescued.

What difficulties happened between you and  the group?
Firstly, I did not want Ralph as the leader, I wanted me as the leader, so finally me and my group of boys moved away and made another tribe, having me as the leader. One day ralph saw a ship in the horizon and the  fire was extinct, so he got angry with me.

...and among the group?
The littluns were always playing and they  did not any work so obviusly Ralph got angry with them and with everyone while he was building shelters for us to sleep and nobody except Simon helped him. Ralph said me that me and my hunters were using our hunting duties as an excuse to avoid the real work. The group wanted meat, that was the most important thing at that moment.

How did the group try to solve their problems?
The way we tried to solve them was at the meetings, we had a shell conch and everyone who had it in his hands was allowed to speak. I didn't follow that rule, especially with Piggy because he was very idiot. I make a mistake then, we turn into animals, and when i moved away from Ralph, i used the force and weapons to solve the problems... I tried to kill Ralph, and  I deal with the death of Piggy and Simon.

... and are you sorry about that?
Yes, now I am here and alive I think about what I have done there in the island and I can't beleive it, I can't beleive how I transformed on that. Now I know I have to be civilizated always and everywhere I am, I have to think about the laws of my country.

Finally, what did you miss the most while being on the island?

I missed my home with my my parents, and specialy my bed because on the island we had to sleep over the sand andit was cold all the days, i needed my bed...

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Advertising is everywhere you look, wheter it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway

As this text says, advertising is everywhere you look, a very good idea that companies have used long ago, making people everywhere they are want to buy any service or product that any advertisement could be trying to sell. Advertising is not only in the manner we have studied, i mean, on papers, such newspapers, billboards or anything else; advertising is also introduced on the TV as commercials, in which sometimes, they can last up to 15 minutes. Those ways  to persuade people make companies spend a lot of money, but with they can earn more than ten times the money they spent on advertising , in selling  the product or service.
One very common example that call the attention of everybody when they look at it, is the one from                Mac´Donalds. When you see this type of advertisement everyone will want to eat.
Advertisements are very powerful and they work very well on our minds, but not everybody can design an advertisement with this power, he must be an advertiser, a profesional man that knows how our brains receive information and how we analize it and understand it,it means, how to make the audience not realize they are been manipulated, because if they know it, they will not accept it. Advertisers hide the manipulative parts of the advertising, it needs to appear innocent in order to have any influence on people.


The very first law in advertising is to avoid

   the concrete promise  and cultivate

             the delightfully vague.”            

Well i think Bill cosby is rigth with this idea about advertisements. What advertisements try to do is to make people know about the good things about the product that it is trying to sell, and advertisers know this. They understand the people's mind and they know how to persuade us to use any product or service. I understant this idea like this in which advertisers will show the good part of everything and they will hide everything not okay, the price, the quality, etc. You will never find an advertisement that could say thet the quality of the product is not good or thing like that. Another way to understand this is the simplicity of a tipical advertisement, it shows the delighfully vague, i mean, not so many words, and it will avoid the concrete promise, never promising something special to the target group