domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Lord of the Flies and The Simpsons

On this blog I will make a comparison about The book written by William Golding, " The Lord of the Flies" and the episode 14 of the 9 season of The Simpsons: Das Bus.
The epidose that we will stydy was written by David S. Cohen and the similarities it has with the book: The Lord of the Flies, are not matches. This episode is based on the book, but the director and the guinist tried to make it funny.
First, we have that some of the characters on The Simpsons have a lot of similarities to the ones on the book, they act in the same way in both cases. Bart represents Ralph, because he is the one that gives instructions, he is a sort of leader. Nelson is very similar to Jack, Nelson hates Milhouse, and Jack hates Piggy... Sp we have another similarity, Milhouse represents Piggy, they both have glasses too.
Continuing with the comparison, in both cases, the leader uses the sound of the shell to call the group to an assembly. They also use the glasses if Piggy/Milhouse to make a fire and in both groups there is a rumor of a beast. When they were on the island, there were no grown-ups in either islands and the two gropups of survivors hunted a pig and they ate it.
The reason why they got lost was different now. In Lord of the Flies, they were travelling by airplane because the group of students were scaping from a war, and in The Simpsons, the students were on an excursion. They were all students too.

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