domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Lord of the Flies and The Simpsons

On this blog I will make a comparison about The book written by William Golding, " The Lord of the Flies" and the episode 14 of the 9 season of The Simpsons: Das Bus.
The epidose that we will stydy was written by David S. Cohen and the similarities it has with the book: The Lord of the Flies, are not matches. This episode is based on the book, but the director and the guinist tried to make it funny.
First, we have that some of the characters on The Simpsons have a lot of similarities to the ones on the book, they act in the same way in both cases. Bart represents Ralph, because he is the one that gives instructions, he is a sort of leader. Nelson is very similar to Jack, Nelson hates Milhouse, and Jack hates Piggy... Sp we have another similarity, Milhouse represents Piggy, they both have glasses too.
Continuing with the comparison, in both cases, the leader uses the sound of the shell to call the group to an assembly. They also use the glasses if Piggy/Milhouse to make a fire and in both groups there is a rumor of a beast. When they were on the island, there were no grown-ups in either islands and the two gropups of survivors hunted a pig and they ate it.
The reason why they got lost was different now. In Lord of the Flies, they were travelling by airplane because the group of students were scaping from a war, and in The Simpsons, the students were on an excursion. They were all students too.

The Lord of the Flies

Chapter two:  on the mountain


Ralph told the others that they are on an island. The are no houses and no boats, they are on and uninhabited island. They will have rules, they can´t speak all at once. A littlun said that he saw a bestie, a big snake. They went to the top of the mountain to make a fire and call the attention of any ship or airplane.

Chapter three: Huts on the beach:

Jack returns with nothing on hands from a hunting day and he met Simon and Ralph, who were building shelters for the younger ones to live in,  but dessafortunately they could not do the job by theirselves, so the shelters fall down before they were completed. While Jack and Ralph were disscusing because of work, Simon went towards the forest to help the littluns reach fruits.Both of them thought he might be in the lagoon, so thjey took a bath. Finally, Simon walked deeper into the forest and he found an open space full of nature.


Who was the one that helped Ralph doing the shelters?
Why did they need shelters?

Chapter four: Painted faces and long hair:

Who were the bigguns who distroyed the littlun's sand casttles?
What were doing the fire watchers when the group saw a ship passing?

Chapter five: Beast from water

Why did Ralph call the group to an assembly?
Which of the boys gives the idea that the beast comes from the sea?

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The sound of the shell, Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The sound of the shell

Ralph and Piggy joined at a supposed island after a transport plane carrying a gropup of English students, in which they were inside, was shot down over that site. Once, Ralph realized there was a conch in the lagoon they had found before, and Piggy thought they could use it to make a very loud sound, and attract the other survivors to the shore of the lagoon, where they bothj were placed. When everyone was there, they all met each other and voted for Ralph to be the chief of the group, abd then, Simon, Jack and him went through the shore trying to discover if they were on an island or not. The three boys found a mountain easy to climb up, they did it and realized their guess was right, it was an island.

  • Ralph
  • Piggy
  • Jhony
  • Sam and Eric
  • Maurice, Simon, Roger
  • Bill, Robert, Harol and Henry.

  • "Boys were making their way towards the platform through the hot, dumb sand."
  • "The circle of boys broke into applause. Even the choir boys applauded; and the Freckles on Jack's face disappeared under a blush of mortification"
  • How did they get lost?
  • Who was the first boy to join the group after Ralph blew the conch?

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

First day of school of two

  • The two writers are boys, Laurie Lee and Austin Clarke.
  • The first day of school of Laurie was at the Village School in England, and the first day of Austin was at the Combermere School in Barbados.
  • The Village school is a primary school, the students remain there until they were fourteen years old, and then they were presented to any working field or a factory; instead of the Combermere School that is a second grade school, In which if you do it well, you would turn  into a civil servant, and if you didn’t do well, you could be a sanitary inspector or a book keeper.
  • Laurie Lee didn´t want to go to school the first day, Austin didn´t have a certain opinion about education.
  • The Village school was a disorderly one, people with old boots, ragged stockings, torn trousers and skirts were skating and skidding everywhere, in place of the other school in Barbados, everyone clean , with cut and clean hair. 
  • Apparently, in the Conbermere School the was no harassment to other, but in the Village school, the big ones harassed Laurie, they stole his potato, plucked at his scarves,  spun him around and more, making him refuse to go back to the school.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

students raise money for a good cause

By Rodrigo Breguel, Journalist
These are the six students who are organizing the collection. From
left to right: Melinda Loveless, Lucas Sthephenson, Vanessa Larrain
Bryan Delgadi, Carla Sepulveda and Anthony Worlfg
July 20th 2005

LONDON-Six students from The British School of London did a collection of money through the months of february and june in 2005, to rebuild two low resources schools at Thailand that collapsed after the tsunami hit in december of 2004.

The idea was from Melinda loveless, '' I was so sad seeing the news on the TV, i hah to do something'', she said. She convinced five of her classmates to help her doing a collection of money, but they never thought it would be such a success.The were recognized and supported by the prime minister Tony Blair. The project began two weeks ago but the six students will travel to the country this monday due to the money the government gave them. All England is fascinated with this act of sympathy amd they are proud of what british can do for helping people.

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

My first impressions

My first foreign friend:                                     When i didn't know argentins very well i thought they were mean and self-centered, but when i was on vacation, the recent past summer, me and my family went to a cruise-trip through brasil, but starting from argentina, so most of the passengers would be argentins. The nights at the ship were very funny, all young people gathered at the disco, so everyone became friends with everyone. I became very good friends with a argentinian, her name is rocio, she was like my sister at the ship, she was very nice and  very funny. In those two weeks I spent with her, she became a very important person for me, in fact, we still talking by facebook or skype.

My first day on the Mackay School:
I knew the school from before, when I came here to do the admission test, so the size of the school did'nt surprise me. I didn't know anyone, and I was ashamed to walk alone by the school, so I told my mom to accompany me to my classroom that in that time was the 305. I calmed down a bit when I saw the same guy that did the admission test the same day I did it, because we became friends that day, and fortunately, he was on the same class with  Miss Carla Chavez as form teacher. He looked very ashamed and concerned, but when he saw me, he felt happy, the same as me. We spent the whole day together, we talked about how happy we were because of being together. We did friends together too... everything was right until the classes of English, I was very worried because I didn't speak nothing of english at that time, but fortunately teacher helped me through the years.

My first trip to another country:
I had like four years old when my parents decide to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was my first travel by plane so I guess that I surely cried. I don't remember a lot about my first trip, but my family took photos and filmed everything, videos and photos i say about two years ago. We went to a theme park, but I don't remember the name of it; We also went to a water-scooter show, in which I cries a lot because of the noise, and because there was a man dressed up like a devil clown, very scary for any baby under 5 years old. My father decided to go to Uruguay too, but not in airplane... He decides to go ther by ship, we took a small ship and spent 2 hours at it. What about Uruguay? I don't remember nothing about it

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012


What is cyberbullying, exactly?

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by any other child(teen or preteen) using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. Once adults become involved it's simply called cyber-harassment. 

Why it's related to ethics?

"Ethic is a part of philosophy that includes the study of morality , virtue happiness and good living. Devoted to the study of human actions."

So it's simple, when we make cyberbulling, we are not considering virtue and values, so we are making an "un-ethical" action.

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

The 3 qualities i have choosen are: comunicators, thinkers and complete. First i think the  most important qualitie that we, as ib learners, need to have, is to be a good comunicator, in each class we had expressed our thinkings, wihtout fear that our thinking is wrong. In the other hand, to express what we think, we have to be good thinkers, so we can realize what we really think and don`t using another's ideas. Picking up the point         " don't use another's ideas" we have to be complete, the student's have to be honest and respond themselfs to what they have done, beeing responsible of our own acts.nwe have to be complete,owledgable
although doctors can`t  hide such information to the parents ( that their son has down syndrome), parents should not abort, because if they have choosen to have a child, they should have taken into account the son could have born with such of anormalitys (althouhg there is not a very huge porcentage of happening).
Parents should love their sons above all, whatever he(she) has down syndrome or not... people with down syndrome are equal to us, they are more inteligent and they are very  nice and funny; i would like to have a relative with down syndrome...I think it would be awesome:
Being ethical means to deal with morals or the principles or morals and knows to make the difference between something right and something wrong...

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

a family has being abducted by a group of thiefs in their own house. There are three in the family, and the mads want to kill the child. The thiefs say to the mother: the only way to make us not to kill your boy is that you have to your husband and bring him here, when he get her, you shut him in his head with this gun, if not, your child will die in front of your eyes. She have to think what to do... There are two options... what would you do?