lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

The sound of the shell, Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The sound of the shell

Ralph and Piggy joined at a supposed island after a transport plane carrying a gropup of English students, in which they were inside, was shot down over that site. Once, Ralph realized there was a conch in the lagoon they had found before, and Piggy thought they could use it to make a very loud sound, and attract the other survivors to the shore of the lagoon, where they bothj were placed. When everyone was there, they all met each other and voted for Ralph to be the chief of the group, abd then, Simon, Jack and him went through the shore trying to discover if they were on an island or not. The three boys found a mountain easy to climb up, they did it and realized their guess was right, it was an island.

  • Ralph
  • Piggy
  • Jhony
  • Sam and Eric
  • Maurice, Simon, Roger
  • Bill, Robert, Harol and Henry.

  • "Boys were making their way towards the platform through the hot, dumb sand."
  • "The circle of boys broke into applause. Even the choir boys applauded; and the Freckles on Jack's face disappeared under a blush of mortification"
  • How did they get lost?
  • Who was the first boy to join the group after Ralph blew the conch?

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